Por fin viernes! ¿Ya tenéis planes para el fin de semana? Espero que si porque a mi por desgracia me espera un fin de semana de estudio intensivo... =(
Como podéis leer el titulo, el post de hoy es sobre Juego de Tronos; que nos están teniendo bastante en la sombra ya que otros años a estas alturas ya íbamos a empezar a ver la temporada; pero este año ns toca esperar hasta Julio pero por fin nos han dado unas pequeñas migajas; porque el anterior "adelanto" no era nada de nada sinceramente, era para llamar la atención.
Pero por fin si que tenemos contenido real y oficial de la temporada, es decir, vemos a los personajes, y los personajes que TODOS queremos ver. Es una promo sin dialogo, pero como dicen... una imagen vale más que mil palabras. No os digo de que se trata ya que lo podéis ver ahora mismo!
Disfrutadlo y buen fin de semana!
Thanks God It's Friday! Having plans for the weekend? I hope so, because to me unfortunately I have an intensive study weekend ahead... = (
As you can read the title, today's post is about Game of Thrones; That they had us enough in the shadow due to, since other years by now we were going to start to watch the season; But this year we have to wait until July but finally they have given us a few crumbs; Because the previous "advance" was not at all honestly, it was to attract attention.
But finally we have real and official content of the season, that is, we see the characters, and the characters that EVERYONE wants to see. It is a promo without dialogue, but as they say ... a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm not telling you what it's about now that you can see it right now!
Enjoy it and have a good weekend!
Como podéis leer el titulo, el post de hoy es sobre Juego de Tronos; que nos están teniendo bastante en la sombra ya que otros años a estas alturas ya íbamos a empezar a ver la temporada; pero este año ns toca esperar hasta Julio pero por fin nos han dado unas pequeñas migajas; porque el anterior "adelanto" no era nada de nada sinceramente, era para llamar la atención.
Pero por fin si que tenemos contenido real y oficial de la temporada, es decir, vemos a los personajes, y los personajes que TODOS queremos ver. Es una promo sin dialogo, pero como dicen... una imagen vale más que mil palabras. No os digo de que se trata ya que lo podéis ver ahora mismo!
Disfrutadlo y buen fin de semana!
Thanks God It's Friday! Having plans for the weekend? I hope so, because to me unfortunately I have an intensive study weekend ahead... = (
As you can read the title, today's post is about Game of Thrones; That they had us enough in the shadow due to, since other years by now we were going to start to watch the season; But this year we have to wait until July but finally they have given us a few crumbs; Because the previous "advance" was not at all honestly, it was to attract attention.
But finally we have real and official content of the season, that is, we see the characters, and the characters that EVERYONE wants to see. It is a promo without dialogue, but as they say ... a picture is worth a thousand words. I'm not telling you what it's about now that you can see it right now!
Enjoy it and have a good weekend!